Mistakes when concluding a lease agreement: learn from someone else's rake


Errors when concluding a lease agreement

Errors in the text can be evidence of banal inattention or ignorance of the topic. If at school the most negative consequences from them could be unsatisfactory grades for works of literature, then in the real estate market we should expect more significant "punishments". An incorrectly drafted lease can go unnoticed, but in some situations, one forgotten section can play a cruel joke on the landlord. Our clients who are interested in renting already know well which ones danger a tenant who pays too little attention to the contract or neglects it at all exposes himself. This time we want to enlighten landlords. If by the time you read the article, your property is already for rent, take a copy of the contract and a red pen to mark all your mistakes, as teachers used to mercilessly do in the margins of their notebooks.

Where did you go wrong and why is it important?

Where did you go wrong and why is it important?

About such basic points as the name and surname of the parties, the address zhitla and you will hardly forget the amount of rent. But there are also moments that you may miss because you don't know their importance. Our experts work closely with real estate owners and those who are just trying to find it, so we have repeatedly encountered the fact that when trying to draw up a lease agreement on their own, ordinary citizens made the list of points almost half as short. What are the most common mistakes?

  • Rights and duties.

Being a civilized person, you always count on the fact that your interlocutor corresponds to this characteristic. However, it is not uncommon for the tenant to bear no responsibility for intentionally causing damage to your property, because the contract does not say anything about it.

  • Fines.

They begin to act if one of the parties violates its obligations.

  • Number of residents.

Usually, the document is signed by one person, even if a couple lives in the apartment. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the identity of the additional resident. Find out the number of people in advance and record this moment, so that later you do not find almost half of the city in your apartment, placed on sofas and air mattresses.

  • Presence of children and pets.

Both categories of additional residents can cause a number of problems, which include, at a minimum, noise and damage to property. Pet-friendly landlords are more valued in the market and can expect a higher income, so we advise you to think carefully about this and indicate your position in the document.

  • Sublease.

It is quite rare that a tenant plans to re-let the property. This practice is not accepted in our country, but it will not be superfluous to indicate this in writing and record that you are against such activity and do not give your permission for it to be carried out.

  • Early termination of the contract.

Its reasons can be various situations, and the initiative itself can come from any of the parties. It is important to indicate the conditions under which early termination of cooperation will be comfortable for the tenant and the landlord.

  • Payment of utility services.

In most cases, it falls on the shoulders of the tenant, but it will not be superfluous to write down this moment and establish clear terms and methods of transferring money. This also applies to rent. Do not forget to specify additional costs for using the Internet, television, alarm, etc.

  • Conditions for reviewing the amount of rent.

You cannot arbitrarily change the fixed amount, because the tenant agreed to specific conditions. Specify the cases in which a review of the monetary issue may be appropriate.

  • Force majeure.

The tank leaked, the refrigerator began to heat up, and the washing machine completely lost the remnants of shame and made a puddle on the floor. No one is immune from such malfunctions, but someone has to pay for their repair. Who - that's the question.

  • Amount and terms of return of the deposit.

Payment for the first and last months of residence guarantees peace of mind for the homeowner, because in this case he can spend the deposit to repair damage caused by the tenant. We hope that your property will not be damaged. However, do not forget that then you will have to return the money.

  • Act of acceptance and transfer.

Thanks to this addendum to the main contract, you will be able to understand whether it is worth returning the deposit. The deed lists the property and its condition. Being outside the apartment for a long time, you forget certain minor nuances, so you should rely not on a volatile memory, but on letters.

You can draw up a standard contract in advance and use it every time interested tenants appear on the horizon. It remains only to enter the data of residents and the amount. We also advise you to contact the premium real estate agency THE Capital for help, because at apartment rental without intermediaries there are many dangers and pitfalls from which even skillfully prepared documentation cannot save you.

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