Rent of premises 310 m2, Naberezhno-Ribalsky road, Rybalsky residential complex
Best position on the market
Zhitlovy district Ribalsky
At the moment, 4 booths for ~1290 apartments have been put into operation
Another 6 budinki for approximately 3000 apartments at the budivnitsa stage.
Commercial premises for free purposes with a ground area of 310.7 m2 near two levels
First rhubarb-86m2
Other rhubarb-224.7m2
12 places (can be eaten)
6 risers for water supply and sewerage
37 kilowatts of established tension
3 balconies and a patio area at the inner door of the complex
Premises without renovation, possible repair holidays or repairs under the lease
Є two parking spaces in the underground parking lot ta komori
Ideal option for a medical clinic (dentistry, cosmetology, etc.), beauty salon or barbershop
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310 m²
8 rooms