New apartment for the great motherland, refurbished into a club house in the residential complex Novopecherski Lypky.
The area of the apartment is 198 m2. The repair was completed at the end of 2022. Nobody is alive.
Napovnennya apartment in vіdpovidaє naivishchim standards.
– Front door with dressing room
– Spacious living area with panoramic windows and a bio fireplace
– Okrema kitchen
– Guest sanvuzol
– Two children's rooms
– Room of free confession
- Children's sanvuzol - shower
– Cleaning/boiler room
– Meister bedroom
- Viber
- sump
– bath room
All apartments are equipped with hot water ventilation, so the air conditioners are installed by themselves.
Є cleaning system driving a 200 l boiler.
Residential complex "Novopecherski Lypki" - is respected by the most popular residential complex of premium level in the city of Kiev. This complex is unique for its internal infrastructure, as it was divided according to the principle of "place in place".
The unique internal infrastructure of Novopechersky Lipki is the most important attribute of this residential complex for the wealthy bagatians. On the territory of this small town you will find your own international and middle school, children's kindergartens, your own landscape park, sprat of restaurants, a full gym with a swimming pool and tennis courts!
Residential complex Novopecherski Lypki is a more comfortable place of life for successful, ambitious people who can enjoy life.
#3 1 5 9 1 7 3 3 9 5 1 4
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198 m²
5 rooms