Residential complex "Novopecherski Lipki".
Sale of a typical 5th apartment with an area of 259,8 square meters. in a new house.
"Novopecherski Lypky" is a business-class quarter, razrobleniya for sruchnosti yogo meshkantsiv, with a thought about them thinking up to the skin detail.
Occupies an area of over 25 hectares in the historical, cultural and business center of Kiev - the Pechersk district of the capital.
In the immediate vicinity are the well-developed central arteries of the place - the boulevards of Friendship of Peoples and Forests of Ukraine, Boychuk (Kikvidze) Street, Zaliznychne Highway.
#3 1 5 9 1 7 3 3 7 8 5 3
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259.8 m²
5 rooms