Premises for rent 165m2, Bulvarno-Kudryavskaya, LCD Yaroslavov Grad
Rent of premises for free appointment in the residential complex "Yaroslavov Grad".
The LCD has 750 apartments and 40 commercial premises.
In the process of opening a walk-through alley for everyone from Gonchar Street and Bulvarno-Kudryavskaya.
Access to the territory "from the outside" - USB module from the side of ul. Honchara and the intercom from the side of ul. Bulvarno-Kudryavskaya.
Exit from the premises both to the pedestrian alley that unites Bulvarno-Kudryavskaya street with Chkalov square (Gonchar street), and to the middle of the residential complex.
Room height 4,6 m, electricity 15 kW with the possibility of increasing.
The premises are perfect for any business - from a restaurant to an office space!
The owner provides a rental vacation - 3 months.
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167 m²