Vynogradna Street Solomyan district Kyiv, Zhulyany village. The street emerged in the early 2010s, and received its current name in 2015. The area is known for its lakes, recreation complexes and incredible nature. Do you already want to pack your things and move into a spacious house? In this case, THE Capital agents advise you to buy housing in the "Laguna" condominium.
Harmony and peace
A large number of social infrastructure facilities are located around the alley:
- restaurants and cafes: "Pioppo Nero", "Nicolas Resort Club"
- recreation areas: "Opika Blyzkykh" boarding house, Svyatishche lake, base "Vitrylo", "Polymer", "Hvylia", "Osokor Residence"
- residential complexes: "Osokor House", "Laguna"
Vynohradna is located in a luxurious area of the capital and offers many advantages for potential investors. This place attracts wealthy residents and foreign investors. Thanks to its unique location, real estate here is always at a premium. Many different strata of the population live in the Solomyan district, which means that the demand for rental housing here is always high.
Square footage has the potential for long-term value growth. This massif is constantly being built up with more and more new residential buildings, which leads to an increase in the price of real estate. Investors can expect an increase in the value of their assets in the future. The developed infrastructure of the district makes life on Vynogradnaya Street comfortable and diverse. There are many restaurants, shops, schools and kindergartens here. It attracts both students and people with families.
The level of security in residential complexes on the alley is quite high, because modern security systems are installed in the buildings. This is an important factor for residents and investors who value the preservation of their investments. On Vynohradnya Street, significant changes have taken place in the development of infrastructure - the construction of new buildings, the renewal of roads, the creation of parks and green areas have begun.
The variety of properties on Vynogradnaya Street, including apartments, townhouses, cottages and commercial premises, provide investors with many options for different investments.
Investing in real estate on Vynogradna Street will be another wise decision of yours. This housing estate offers many opportunities for investors who are looking to increase their capital and ensure a stable income in the long term. Buying residential space here has a number of strong arguments - a good location, high demand for rent and the potential for long-term growth in the value of square meters. Thus, Vynogradna Street becomes a magnet for all successful people.