If you want to increase your savings, get a stable income with a minimum expenditure of time and effort, the best and safest way will be to invest in new buildings. If you choose the right object, you can expect to win from the increase in the price of a square meter and save money from depreciation and inflation, but also to earn You can invest in new buildings of various classes, but it is better not to choose housing of the mass segment (economy and comfort classes). Premium-class apartments are advantageous in terms of payback. In the comfort+ segment, the increase in the cost of a square meter from the pit to delivery is 25-35%, and in the business segment it can reach 30-40%. By the way, if you are thinking about buying real estate, we recommend that you contact us professional luxury real estate agency THE Capital. However, it should be remembered that investing in a new building is not the same as investing in an apartment on the secondary market. Buyers of apartments in the primary market should seriously evaluate the project before investing their savings in it.
How to invest in new buildings?
Apartments on the primary market always attract attention. First of all, this is due to more democratic prices at the initial stage of construction and the subsequent increase in the price of the finished apartment. According to experts, the price difference can range from 10% to 50%. If you invest in a new building at the pit (foundation) stage, you can get an additional income of 10 to 40% per year due to the increase in the degree of readiness of the house. But despite the good earning potential, investing in unbuilt real estate is always associated with risks. Read also: How to rent a non-residential premises?The biggest risk is non-compliance with the deadline (delay) in handing over the object. There are many reasons why the developer delays the delivery of the house. What should an investor do in such a situation? Terminate the contract with the developer and demand a refund. If the risk does not frighten you and you want to invest in a new building, we advise you to pay attention to the following points when choosing an investment object on the primary market:
- reliability of the developer partner;
- the quality of the loan portfolio;
- the age of the developer and the portfolio of his objects;
- the quality of completed houses.
Of course, even with the most reliable developers, the deadlines for handing over the object can be disrupted for reasons beyond their control:
- an increase in the cost of construction against the background of a sharp drop in demand from the population;
- excessive administrative barriers;
- delay of construction materials by contractors, etc
See also: Renting an apartment: how to write an ad correctly?
Investing in new buildings is not a game of chance, but a process that requires knowledge, skills and abilities. You should always be aware of the risks and try to minimize them. You should not invest money in new buildings if you are new to this business. For mistakes in investment decisions, you have to pay with your own money. It is better to contact specialists in new buildings - in a real estate agency. There they will help you not only to check the reputation and reliability of the construction company, but also to select the most optimal option in the shortest possible time. Was the publication interesting and useful? Subscribe to our real estate blog updates and receive new posts from THE Capital real estate agency.