Levka Lukyanenko Street is known to the majority as Marshal Tymoshenko, which it wore until 2022. It is an important transport artery Obolon district, and in particular the Obolon housing estate. It begins at Volodymyr Ivasyuk Avenue (former Heroes of Stalingrad Avenue) and ends at Bogatyrska Street. It is here that a prestigious residential complex is located.Obolon Residences”, which is very popular among Kyiv residents and guests of the capital. Experts of THE Capital agency will be happy to help you buy an apartment in this residential complex will introduce you to other architectural gems of the capital.
What surrounds Marshal Tymoshenko Street
Marshal Tymoshenko Street is located in the Obolon district, which makes it an ideal place to live in the capital of Ukraine. It is adjacent to such routes as Bogatyrska and St. Heroes of the Azov Regiment (former Marshala Malinovsky Street), Minsk Square and Obolonsky Avenue. Such convenient proximity means that the local population can enjoy convenient access to various district and city facilities. Another important characteristic of Marshal Tymoshenko is its transport accessibility. Here you can find the following types of public transport:
- metro station: "Minska"
- buses: 99, 102
- trams: 16
- trolleybuses: 24, 34, 36, 44, 47
- shuttle taxis: 180, 402, 472, 476, 485, 512, 530, 463
- public transport stops: "Minsk Metro Station", "Regional Administration", "Marshal Tymoshenko Street", "Obolonsky Prospekt", "Bohatyrska Street"
- railway stations: Pochayna, Vyshgorodska (stop point)
Marshal Tymoshenko Street has a well-developed social infrastructure, which makes life here comfortable and convenient. The main facilities include:
- 1 hotel
- 2 markets
- 2 post office
- 3 supermarkets
- 3 hairdressers
- 8 cosmetology rooms
- 12 clothing stores
- 12 medical institutions (1 children's hospital, 1 children's polyclinic, 1 adult hospital, 5 private polyclinics)
- 14 beauty salons
- 25 pharmacies
- 29 banks
- 45 ATMs
This is just a small part of what this area has in store for you. Consult the experts at THE Capital agency to learn more about the benefits of living here and available options for buying or renting.
Family life for Marshal Tymoshenko
For families with children, Marshala Tymoshenko Street provides excellent educational opportunities:
- 4 kindergartens
- 3 secondary schools
- 1 sports school
- 5 Greatest Initial Mortgages
Life here is full of various entertainments. In the district, you will be able to find many establishments where you can spend your time with benefit and pleasure:
- 1 bath
- 3 gyms
- 4 bars
- 5 fitness clubs
- 8 sports clubs
- 10 cafes
- 16 restaurants
Marshala Tymoshenko Street is dominated by high-rise residential buildings. Among the iconic objects, it is worth mentioning the Kyiv University named after B. Grinchenko, which became the Alma Mater for many talented specialists.