Real Estate Expert - Millionaire's Profession


Real Estate Expert - Millionaire's Profession

Before you invest, you need to earn money - think that's easier said than done? Not at all, you just need to choose the right profession. No matter how old you are, it will never be too late to learn. The main thing is to have the desire and clearly see your goal, as thousands of people around the world do when deciding to take the career path of a real estate expert. Why are they so attracted to this specialty? Everything is very simple - prospects, development and... profits of such magnitude that you can’t even count them without a calculator!

The profession of a real estate expert: a statistical guide

Stereotypical Warsaw outside the window

Slender palm trees of California, foggy alleys of London, an uncontrollable desire to lie low in Bruges and Dutch windmills that would probably have fallen at the hands of the Spanish hidalgo Don Quixote... Don't you notice anything in common? Take a closer look! All these wonderful locations and features delight the eye and nose of the local and visiting population only thanks to the fact that all these people manage to buy or to rent housing. If there were no real estate experts in their countries, it is unlikely that they would be lucky enough to enjoy such splendor every day from the windows of their home (or not so much).

Happy citizens get pleasure, but what do experts have in return, if we are talking not only about self-realization, but also about its expression in monetary terms? The statistics will surprise you so pleasantly that you yourself will think about changing your profession.

  • USA 🇺🇸

In the United States of America, more than 2 million people have chosen the path of a realtor as the only right one for themselves. A career in real estate is considered worthy of not only respect, but also envy. Experts can boast of a salary of $48 per year - 608 million hryvnia for their favorite business, which helps make the dreams of hundreds and thousands of people come true.

  • UK 🇬🇧

There are 22 thousand real estate agencies throughout the UK, employing over 150 thousand people. That might not sound like a lot for a population of 63 million, but that's enough staff to generate £12,9 billion in revenue each year. Agents receive 0,75-3% of each closed transaction, and accordingly of the specified amount. Returning to the very beginning of the article - it was not for nothing that we mentioned the calculator...

  • Belgium 🇧🇪

Belgium is popular not only for its Brussels sprouts, but also for its realtors. Their number exceeds 160 thousand, of which 30 thousand work in Antwerp, 28 thousand in Brussels and 25 thousand in Bruges. The average age of experts is 48 years old - another confirmation that it is never too late to master the profession of your dreams. Even experienced agents do not stop on the path of their development, in which they are actively supported by the state. Every year, all realtors are required to undergo training and pass tests to confirm their professionalism and meet the requirements of modern investors.

  • Netherlands 🇳🇱

The country of windmills and tulips does not lag behind its neighbors. The real estate market is developing by leaps and bounds, so young people are increasingly looking for their happiness in agencies. And for good reason, because the average expert’s salary is about $35 a year, which in our money would be equal to 900 million (with a small remainder for ice cream for the children).

How to earn your first million or your step to the next level

Way to dream profession not nearly as thorny as you might imagine. To achieve success, it is enough to have a desire, and we ourselves will provide you with the opportunities. Agency T.H.E. Capital specializes not only in purchase and sale transactions and rental of real estate, but also in training highly qualified specialists. Our experts and department heads are always ready to share their knowledge and real cases to make your path to a new life easier. Our course designed specifically so that beginners and experienced realtors can equally easily discover the multifaceted and promising world of real estate.