How to choose the firmness of a mattress: expert advice


hardness of the mattress

Choosing the firmness of a mattress is one of the most important aspects when buying a new bed. Just like you choose apartment for long term rent, it is important to approach the choice of a mattress correctly.

After all, quality sleep and good health largely depend on which mattress you choose. But how do you know which firmness is right for you? In this article, we will look at a few tips on how to choose the firmness of a mattress.

Consider your weight. One of the most important factors in choosing the firmness of a mattress is your weight. For people who weigh less than 60 kg, a soft mattress may suffice for a comfortable sleep. If your weight exceeds 90 kg, then you need a firmer mattress. If you are in between these values, then a medium firm mattress will suffice. Note that other factors may also influence the choice of stiffness.

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Is the mattress capable of distributing weight? It is important to understand that the firmness of a mattress is not always an indicator of its quality. Conversely, a mattress that can distribute your weight well may be more comfortable than a high firmness mattress. Good weight distribution is usually more expensive, but these mattresses can last longer.

Try lying down before buying. If you buy a mattress in a store, then you definitely need to lie on it to see if its firmness is right for you. This will help you discard uncomfortable options and identify the best ones.

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Consider your preferences for comfort, but do not forget about your health. If you have back or joint problems, your doctor may advise you on a specific mattress firmness to support proper body posture during sleep.

Remember to strike a balance between stiffness and comfort. Finally, when choosing the firmness of a mattress, keep in mind the balance between firmness and comfort. A hard mattress may be good for your back, but it can also cause discomfort and pain in your body. On the other hand, a soft mattress may be more comfortable, but may not provide enough support for your back. These tips will help you choose the perfect mattress for a healthy and comfortable sleep. You can buy the right mattress for you even in rented houseBecause everyone's needs and comforts are different.